The busiest and best October Rise has ever had. Your small business sponsor this week, and throughout the month, is us! We’ve got a lot going on that we want to make sure you know about, so here goes!
We’ve been burning the midnight oil laying out this newspaper and we couldn’t be more proud of how it has turned out. Check out stories written by community advocates from around the city and let their topics ignite thoughts and conversations of your own. Find it free, at area newsstands starting October 14. Please throw up a photo of yourself with it! #NoBoundariesBFLO.
Halloween Tickets are on the move!
You’re wondering, if Rise is the sponsor of their own roundup, then what’s the prize to be won for tagging #RiseBFLO this month? Tickets of course! We’re seeing people get into the Halloween spirit and start buying up tickets with their friends, but we’ve set aside a few to give away! Our winner below will be grabbing a friend to enjoy a four hour open bar, a buffet from Fat Bob’s and to rock out downstairs with Kurt & The Loders, and upstairs with Crespo Beats and Rick Jameson – it’s all 90s – Rock, Pop and Hip Hop! Let’s go crazy! Get your tickets via Waiting Room’s website, or at After Dark on Elmwood or either Record Theatre location.
So who won?!

So who won?!
Congratulations to @girlonfastwheels for a great photo that captured the abstract and showed off some color. hit us up via hey@risecollaborative.com for details on obtaining your tickets. Cheers!
And now, all our other favorites!