And support our community at the same time.
Together with Unite By Night (startup network of local professionals who donates their time and expertise to local non profits) we at Rise are excited to announce the Queen City Quarantine Concert on Saturday April 25!
12 different local musicians will be recording performance sets from the safety of their homes, and we’ll be airing them all in a row starting at 7PM on the 25th on Rise’s Facebook, YouTube and Instagram TV. You, the audience, while enjoying the show on your laptops, phones, tablet, casting to your TVs and turning the volume up to an 11, are invited to tip our community’s musicians and make donations to the non profit organizations that every musician is representing. Don’t have the means right now? Everyone’s welcome to ROCK either way.

Featuring appearances by Buffalo celebrities including the Buffalo Sabres, Buffalo Beauts and more to be announced!
This is going to be a party first and foremost. A reason to make plans, join together for virtual watch parties, to have a drink, to dance, and to do what we all love, discover some new music! Re-engage with our community, and provide support where you can. We can’t wait to reveal more about who is performing, who is appearing, and all the fun you can expect that night. Follow our Facebook event for rapid updates, and Rise and Unite by Night’s social pages too.
Stay in. Stay safe. Stay hopeful. We’ll see you all together again soon, friends!