Featured Image: HOP HOP
You know we make our playlists on Spotify and ask you all to subscribe to them, and each of us has our own Apple Music, Google Play loyalties. And while that habit so many of us fell into was not ideal for artists, the idea was that if you loved them quite a bit after hearing them on your streaming service, you’d buy their shirts, their hats, their T shirts, and you’d definitely go to their shows with both hands in the air and have a blast.
These days, there are no more shows [Though many in Buffalo are live streamed through Band Together Buffalo] and Buffalo’s most talented artists are running out of places to find revenue. Nearly all of us are struggling in one way or another right now, whether it’s simply the confinement, the pay cut, or worst, the layoff or closure. If you have the means, you’re likely thinking there are a million places that need your cash. But when you put value on everything you consume, how music makes you feel and how it can help you through a time like this is important and valuable. Think about it, and do what you can – there will be no fees and you’ll be putting cash right into the pockets of your neighbors.
Holly and Heff from Rise made a quick list of locals, but you can buy whoever and whatever the hell you want, folks! Bandcamp lets you sample then buy, and your streaming service can incorporate the tracks into it so you don’t have to click on MP3 files next time you want to listen. Kickass! Enjoy!
Soul Butchers
‘Skin on Fire’

Night Slaves
‘Three and a Half’
Hop Hop
tbh take your pick but may we recommend ‘Scratch’
But on this Friday night of social distancing may we take this opportunity to make a PSA and recommend a listen, nay a dance, to Jaz Frazier’s OTHER project, Kelli Bobbi.
A blast of bopping feel good unapologetic pop. Add headphones, sweatpants and slippers and IT’S A FRIDAY NIGHT HOMEBOUND SELF-ISOLATION DANCE PARTY RIGHT THERE.
“Quality Costs”
(Rise contributor, rapper and producer)
Zak Ward
Something more easy going for those of us down for a laid back Friday night
Sonny Baker
“Steady Hands Dead Tired”